
usherOur worship service starts at 11:00 am and lasts approximately one hour.

As you enter the sanctuary, you will be given a bulletin that will help you with the order of worship.  We also project the words to the songs we are singing, responsive readings, bible verses, and prayers onto the front wall of the sanctuary. You can chooses to read from the projected images, or use your bulletin, hymnal, and bible. You are welcome to sit anywhere there is an open seat.

We begin the service with the chiming the hour.

The service will also include:

  • Passing of the peace.   Members and guests greet one another, hug or shake hands and say, ”The peace of Christ be with you.”  “And also with you.”
  • A children’s message.  Kids are invited to come to the front steps for the message, then may exit the sanctuary and attend Children’s Church for the remainder of the service.
  • Prayers for the sick and concerns of the church and world. Prayer cards can be found in the pads on each pew. They may be filled out with any joys or concerns, and our Pastor will read them aloud and we will all pray together for these concerns.
  • Several hymns sung by the congregation accompanied by the piano.
  • Special music by the choir.
  • One or two Bible passages are read aloud.
  • A Minute for Mission where we hear about what’s happening in the church or opportunities for ministry.
  • A challenging message from the pastor, talking about the intersection of Scripture and our lives.
  • An offering and blessing.
  • *Communion is served every 1st Sundays monthly and on special occasions like Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday.

RSS Bible Verse of the Day

  • Philippians 4:8
    “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”