What to Expect

Welcome to Celebration!

If it’s been a long time since you have been to church, you are new to the area or you just want to check us out – Celebration Presbyterian Church welcomes you. We know there can be many questions or concerns when visiting a church for the first time. We encourage you to join us.


You will see a wide variety of clothing styles.  We are not concerned with what you are wearing, so please be comfortable and be yourself.  Overall, most people are casually dressed.


We have several spaces reserved for visitor parking right in front of the main entrance.  If these spaces are already filled, please park anywhere in our lot.


When you approach the main entrance, a Greeter will welcome you and  gladly assist you in
finding your way to worship.


Please stop by our Visitor’s table.  We’d love to provide you with information about our church and make you a name tag.  If you would like, you can register your contact information with us.


From 10:30 until worship time, a time of fellowship in observed in the Narthex.  Please have a cup of coffee and get to know others.  You will notice our members are wearing name tags, and the Elders of the church are wearing blue name tags.  We want to get to know you, so expect to be welcomed during this time of fellowship.


usherOur worship service starts at 11:00 a.m. and lasts approximately one hour.
As you enter the sanctuary, you will be given a  bulletin that will help you with the Order of Worship.  With Media Shout we project onto the front wall of the sanctuary the words to the hymns/songs we are singing, responsive readings, Bible verses, and prayers .  You can chooses to read from the projected images, or use your bulletin, hymnal, and Bible.  You are welcome to sit anywhere there is an open seat.


We begin Worship with Ringers Chiming of the Hour and an Acolyte Lighting the Christ Candle.

The Worship Service also includes:

  • A children’s message known as Time With Young Disciples is shared early in the worship service.  Afterwards kids are invited to attend Children’s Church for the remainder of the service.
  • Prayers of the church and world. Prayer Cards can be found in the Friendship Pads on each row of chairs. They may be filled out with any Joys or Concerns you wish to share, and gathered by our Ushers and given to the Pastor who reads them aloud prior to praying for all the joys and concerns.  These prayer requests are then passed on to the Prayer Team in our church for ongoing prayer throughout the week.
  • Several Hymns are sung by the congregation accompanied by the Music Director, Bob Burkhardt.
  • Offertory Anthems are sung by the Choir.
  • Bible passages for the day are read aloud.
  • Minutes for Mission may be shared where we hear about what’s happening in the mission outreach of the church and about opportunities for shared ministry.
  • A challenging and relevant Sermon by the Pastor or an Elder, talking about the intersection of God’s Word in the Bible and our lives.
  • An Offering is received and a closing Charge and Benediction are offered.


Typically, Holy Communion/The Lord’s Supper is served on the first Sunday of each month.  ALL those present who have been baptized in any church or religion are welcome to partake in communion.  You don’t have to be a member of Celebration or even a Presbyterian, just an imperfect sinner like everyone else, seeking forgiveness and placing your faith in Jesus Christ.  We observe communion in two ways: By Intinction – ushers will escort the congregation by rows to the front of the church. One Elder will be holding a loaf of bread and another a cup of grape juice.  You will tear off a piece of bread, dip it in the cup of juice, then partake.  The second method, Elders pass trays with Bread and Juice and serve you at your seat.  Each element is held until all have been served, then the congregation partakes together.

*During COVID we are sharing the Lord’s Supper by individual communion packets that contain a sealed cup of juice and small cracker and napkin within a ziplock bag.

Thank you for visiting!


If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

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RSS Bible Verse of the Day

  • John 14:23
    “Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”